A personal reflection on UDL in my classroom

Reflecting on my experiences as an English literature teacher in Sri Lanka, I now realize that I have unknowingly used strategies aligned with Universal Design for Learning (UDL) long before I became familiar with its formal terminology during my MEd program. UDL supports creating learning environments that accommodate the diverse needs of all students, ensuring equitable access to education (Almumen, 2020).

In my classroom, I have always aimed to present literary concepts in diverse ways, catering to different learning styles. For example, when studying Othello by Shakespeare, I would incorporate visual aids on the characters and themes, group discussions on controversial dialogues, and dramatic readings. This approach appealed to students with different preferences and improved their learning experience. It also engaged students who might otherwise feel detached or left out by traditional teaching methods.

However, I think Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in Sri Lanka is limited, especially in mainstream education. The main challenge is that educators must be fully aware of its benefits, and many teachers need more formal training on it and thus resort to traditional methods such as lecturing. While some schools, especially those with access to modern resources and training, like the school I mentioned, may already be implementing aspects of UDL, a broader institutional change is necessary for systemic adoption. Moreover, many schools need more resources, and the curriculum structure makes implementing inclusive teaching practices challenging as most schools do not accept students with diverse needs. However, with the global discussions, I have realized that there is growing recognition of the importance of inclusive education towards more accessible learning environments.


Almumen, H.A. (2020). Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Across Cultures: The Application of UDL in Kuwaiti Inclusive Classrooms. SAGE Open, 10. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/2158244020969674

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